Monday 12 September 2011

s w e e t m e m o r y a s c a n d y a s l i k e n o o t h e r . . .

hurm..kite mule-mule kenal dlm pesbuk...tibe-tibe ade frens request dari dye..then aku tgk pixes dye, who 

knows OMG(ifallinlovewithher) ;) hihhiihi...after bein single for almost more then half an a year..SHE 

knock the door of my heart and nobody has ever done that...until then I ask for her number and i 

really afraid that she might just not have the same feeling as me....but the response was POSITIVE ;') 

hehehee...i ask for her number and she gave it...were kept texting..calling..and were both working that tym 

also were kept chatting too even were that busy..she was really take a good care bout me when she didnt let 

me to play futsal for a week until RECOVERED back from my left-knee injury..I just do as she 

said..hehe..that was so sweet of her..I will not forget the moment we get to know each other until now..back 

then before last DIS 2010, my father asking me about the enrollment into the IKM about taking the 

certificate electrical power of engineering(CHARGEMAN)..well it was a last minute preparation and 

I was thinking about my future and about her also...I must've a good, better future for her so that she'll be a 

proud of me and nothing to be a shame about me too especially her family..I just want to be the best for 

her..the best in her LIFE..the best in her HEART for her I take the opportunity and I 

try to find a day..suitable day for us to meet before I went there..that Day was on 26.DIS.2010 

SUNDAY and that day was our first met..I was so really NERVOUS that day..really really 

NERVOUS!!^^ heart kept DUB DAB DUB DAB really faster because in 

the picture she was look taller than me..I afraid that I might look shorter when I with her huhuuhhuuhu...well, 

my thought shows wrong..i'm so glad..she look so cute in her PURPLE t-shirt and her BLUE WASH jeans..I 

still remember that..we met at KL Central and we're heading to Pavillion just near to STARHILL..we 

watch movies..THE RAPUNZEL..the wr're really great and we did enjoyed it^^ hihihihii..before 

the last met WE change'll be my accompany during i'd alone, sad..whenever..because she the 

only SPIRIT of my heart and no ONE will be..that day would be the happiest and saddest day 

because that was really our first met and we've got to be separated to coz i'm goin to further my study at IKM 

LUMUT PERAK..however it is not goin to change THE SHAPE OF MY HEART for her.


Wednesday 7 September 2011

h a n y a k a u y a n g m a m p u . . . .

hhmmm....hari ni mungkin hari yang paling terok pernah aku hadapi....dengan selesema yang xbaek2 lagi...ditambah saket kepale yang maken menjadi-jadi...saket kepale aku jadi maken terok...bukan saket kepale biasa...bayangkan dari pagi start kelas smpy kew petangg...malam ne pon aku dapat ase yang saket kepale masehta baek2 lagi...saket dye Allah jew yang taw...rase mcm nk mati...saket sangatsangatsangat...huhuhuu...rase na menannges...tapi aku tahan jew.....aku ta kesah kalau tade sape nk amek taw pasal aku...siyezly aku mmg ta kesahh...dan lagi pon buat pew nk susahkan korang risau, pk pasal aku kn........jgn risau...even aku saket terok mane pon...aku akan tetap senyum tok korangg :) biar aku yang saket...jgn kaw yang saket...biar aku derita asal kau bahageaa ;((  huhuhuhuu..^^ hihihihii...maaf....aku nanges lakk...maaf :) huhhuhuhuu....rase remuk haty ne rase nyew.....ble hati dye ta mampu kita miliki lagi.....aku tahu aku ta baekk mcm org laenn...tapii....aku mampu berubah jadi baekk cm yang laenn...aku sanggop buat ape jew tok kau...even aku terpakse gadai nyawe aku skalipon...Ya Allah....suda terlambat kah aku....sempat lagi kah bagi ku....huhhuhuhu :(( dye saje kaseh sygg, cinta, ambil berat yang aku ade...aku tanak kongsi dye ngn sape2...aku tanak...akku nk hati dye tok aku...untuk aku sorangggg jew...huhuhuu...Ya Allah...ape yang perlu aku buat Ya Allah...bagi lahh jalan pada hamba Mu ini..huhuhuhuuu....aku sayangkn dye...aku ingin miliki laen sume ta bley...hanya aku...huhuhuu...betape berat ssaket yang aku tanggung Ya Allah.....aku sanggop berubah tok dye dan diri aku....aku tak mahu kehilangan dye....aku rindu kn dye ;((.....huhuhuhuu....tade sape yang mngerti ;(( dye lahh nyawa aku...dye hidop akuh...dye segalanya buat akuh....andai saket kepale yang melarat ne yang Kau turun kn mampu buat aty dye..cinta dye sygg dye jd milikku....aku redha....aku terima....kerna dye...cahaya..hidup akuhh....berikan petunjukMu Ya Allah :((

~b u a t d i r i m u y a n g k u s a y a n g i . . .

Percaya kata janjiMu
Kerna ku yakin apa digenggamMu
Keharuman setanggi syurga
Bukan kilauan sebilah belati...

Tersiksa jiwa merindu
Bagai terkurung dibasah tengkujuh
Kewangian aroma bunga
Tak menggugah keteguhan iman...

Cinta tak pernah terbunggar dan terlebur
Pada redup renung mata yang menipu
Tuntas ku mendaki
Puncak cinta teragung...
Izinkan aku melafazkan kata
Bicara hati yang mudah diterjemah
Betapa aku gerun pada teduh
Untuk bernaung...
(Kerna awan itu rapuh)

Bahagia buat mereka
Yang bertemu cinta yang teragung
Yang membawa ke syurga yang hakiki
Dan abadi...

Dendam tak marak dan menyala
Oleh putih salju yang berguguran
Kerna dosa itu
Lebih hitam dan kelam...

Ku anyam rindu menjadi hamparan
Kerna ku pasti adanya pertemuan
Di sana nanti bukti cinta suci dilafazkan
Tak bertemu pengucapan...

Kata janjiMu...
Seharum setanggi syurga...

Tuesday 6 September 2011

s a y a n g g . . ,

bulan puase da hbes...raye pon dtgg lagy^^ hahahaa...well pd 

30.08.2011 jthnyew hari jadi akue..dan juge bulan 

syawal dan sambutan hari kemerdekaan♥ ♥ ♥....epy burfday to 

ME...epy burfday to ME...epy burfday...epy burfday...epy

 burfday to ME^^ hahahahaa....wish kt dri sndri pon jadi laa 

kan :) hihihiii...hhmmm...walaupon raye taun ne 

different than the other year...ase epy nk smbot raye kali one MISSING......that beloved

 dear...nur shafizal fatihah binti anuar musadad..hurmm...aku btoll2 arap sgtt if dapat celebrate 

raye ne...burfday ne ngn dye....coz akue ta penah lg sambott 

burfday aku ngn mane2 pempuan laen walau cmne pon

nk wat cmne kn...dye pon trpakse balek kg dye kt KB, trpakse menahan haty ne

berduka lara menahan kesedihan di pagi raye burfday 

aku^^ hahahhaa...sambil mngukirkn senyuman dan menitiskan air 

mate...arap dye ta nampak^^ hahahaa...mngarott jew akue ne...hhmm 

tp tuh laa ape y aku rasekan pd pagi syawal 

xpew...aku redha...mungkin bukan rezeki akue kn 

:)...apew y aku tahu..sejujurnyew dlm haty ne y akue sayanggggkan 

dye sgtt2...n aku wat wish pada pagi raye burfday akue semoga 

hbgn kite akn kekal brpanjangan sehingga ke akhir hayat 

aku...dimurahkan rezeki n aku nk jdkan dye suri haty 

akue...suri idop akue...dan diberikan kekuatan supaye dapat 

mnghadapi sgale cabaran..musibah..halangan y

 mndatangg...AMIN!..insyallah...dlm dunia ne...dye sorg jew yg akue ade...tnpe dye...xtawlaa cmne idop ne :(

 huhuhuuu...lame sgtt aku menangiss tym pagi raye 

tuhh...sedihh sayu jew...lbey2 lagi ble dgr lagu


(cerita laen pada hari ini.....)

~masok jew blek ikm mmgg xley blah...huhuhuu...masing2 dok

tayangg FON BARU jew!!!HUHH!!tensen gilerr!!!B O D O H H ! !

patott kew dorg ckp henset akue " H E N S E T G O N C A N G "

 kuang ajr sgtt9!!!!huhuhuhuu......pastu ley plak teringat kt fon

 X6 NOKIA akue...huhuhuu...sabaa jelaa~~

status : fluandheadache~~

mood : miszyoumiszyoumiszyou!!!